Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Yankee's schedule from September thru October

About three years ago, I had the privilege to speak for Pastor Drew Elrod of the Salem Baptist Church. I will once again speak on this Sun. Sept. 4  at 11:00 AM  and 6:00 PM  678-986-3499. The church is located at 1501 McDaniel Station Road, S.W. Calhoun, GA 30701 If you are in the area and can attend, please join us.

Pastor Drew Elrod and his family      


September 6-7, 2022

"The Missing Ingredients in Discipleship Today" 

The conference location will be at the Courtyard Atlanta McDonough -  115 Mill Road, McDonough, GA 30253.

Out-of-Town Guests Contact:

Keynote Speaker


Dr. Ralph (Yankee) Arnold

        Yankee's messages:

  • The Art of the Gospel Presentation

  • The Art of Soul-winning

  • Prophecy-the believer’s motivation

  • Why faithfulness is remembering the end game!



Dr. Freddie Coile is the President of Focus Evangelistic Ministries and the founder of Grace Farm, a camp and training center for teenagers and college students in Dewy Rose, Georgia.

Freddie is passionate about declaring the truth of the Bible with clarity and simplicity! The target of his ministry is to clearly communicate the gospel of grace His speaking and writing ministry is warmly received and embraced by audiences all over, and God is changing lives.

Dr. Halsey teaches at the Hangar Bible Fellowship in Locust Grove, GA. He is one of the founders of Grace Biblical Seminary. He serves as chancellor and professor of Biblical and Systematic theology. In addition, he is the host of "The Rest of the Story," a radio program on Grace Global Radio.

The 5-minute program is modeled after Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story," but with a Christian emphasis.


Dr. Rick Whitmire is the current president and co-founder of Grace Biblical Seminary. For more than forty-five years, he has been the director of GoTel Evangelism, a discipleship ministry focused on soul winning with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Dr. Whitmire is working on a new book, Saturation Evangelism: Principles of evangelism from the Acts of the Apostles.
Rick Whitmire, D.Min., President
My Cell Number: 404-408-4113
Hwy. 81 East, Suite 162
McDonough, GA 30252


Dr. Hal Haller is the Director of Collection Development and Analysis at Luther Rice College & Seminary in Lithonia, GA.

He has served as a youth minister, pastor, Bible conference speaker, Christian school teacher, board member and principal, college academic dean, and college and seminary teacher.


Dr. John Clark is the pastor of Grace Community Fellowship in Newnan. GA. Pastor John has served as the Senior Pastor of Grace Community Fellowship in Newnan, Georgia since September 2016. Pastor John is a founding board member of DM2 (Disciple Makers Multiplied), a mission organization focused on pastoral training and discipleship of other disciple-makers. 



Dr. Dennis Rokser is an experienced pastor with 40 years of ministry of verse-by-verse expository teaching at Duluth Bible Church, Duluth, MN. Dr. Rokser is now the pastor of Grace & Truth Bible Church in Warner Robins, GA.


Pastor Jesse grew up in Calvary Community Church under the leadership of Dr. Yankee Arnold. He attended Florida Bible College of Tampa from 2013-2017 and graduated with a bachelor’s in biblical studies. He has been in Christian work since 2012. He is the pastor of Calvary Community Church, Tampa, FL.

September 25-29 Preaching Revival Services at the Pleasant Olive Baptist Church with Pastor Eric Elrod. The church is located at 240 Falling Springs Rd, Rydal, GA 30171

Pastor Eric Elrod and family


16-18          Fri. – Sun.  “Calvary Mission Conference”   Pastor Jesse Martinez  4811 George                                     Rd. Tampa Fla.

 23               Life Gate Baptist Church   Jeff Mims (256) 572-2678

                    Ted Horton 9253 US Hwy 231 Arab, Al.      Speak 2 times 10/11

Please pray for our safety, health, and fruitful ministry. 

 Yankee Arnold Ministries

Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634


Thursday, August 11, 2022

Yankee speaks on The Missing Ingredients in Discipleship Today


 August     21       Sun.            Fayette Bible Church                    Pastor Steven                                                        355 McDonough Road Fayetteville, Georgia 30214       10:30 AM

                  28       Sun. AM           Quentin Road Baptist Church Lake Zurich, IL                                                     Pastor Jim Scudder

 Sept.         6-7  Tues.          “Grace Conference” Dr. Rick Whitmire       


"The Missing Ingredients in Discipleship Today" 

Conference Location

Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriot 

30 Mill Road McDonough, Georgia 30253

Out-of-Town Guests Contact:

GBS Grace Conference Pre-Registration

Click Here

Let us know you are coming.

The first twenty-five to register will receive a free GBS Coffee Mug.

Keynote Speaker


Dr. Ralph (Yankee) Arnold

        Yankee's messages:

  • The Art of the Gospel Presentation

  • The Art of Soul-winning

  • Prophecy-the believer’s motivation

  • Why faithfulness is remembering the end game!

Ralph (Yankee) & Betty Arnold

Dr. Ralph “Yankee” Arnold accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of 18. In 1964, he attended Summer School at Tennessee Temple Schools in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and graduated from Florida Bible College in 1968. He was the Founder and Pastor of the Colorado Bible Church in Arvada, Colorado, from 1972 -1987. For 13 years, he was the Founder and President of the Arvada Christian School and Colorado Bible College.

He directed an extensive youth ministry called the “Christian Youth Ranch” for many years, with over 200 attending Bible College. The major thrust of Dr. Arnold’s ministry is soul winning. Through the years, his burden for evangelism continued to grow, and in 1987 Dr. Arnold resigned as pastor and president to enter the field of full-time evangelism. Dr. Arnold was honored to share his pulpit with Dr. Curtis Hutson and preached with him for four years at the South Texas Sword of the Lord Conferences.

Yankee is known for his clear presentation of the gospel and his fervent appeal for sinners to be saved. His sermons challenge and motivate Christians to win souls because of yielding their lives to Christ. As an evangelist, he speaks out clearly and unmistakably on the issues that affect fundamentalists, warning against compromise with liberals and modernists.

As the Pastor of Northside Baptist Church in Athens, Georgia, he hosted the Northside Bible Hour on television for eight years and on the radio for 17 years.

“Yankee” has been married for over 60 years to his wonderful, sacrificial, dedicated, Godly wife, Betty. Their mutual love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been the cause of thousands upon thousands of children, teenagers, and adults being born into the Family of God. 

Dr. Arnold had been pastor of Calvary Community Church of Tampa for 11 years (2009-2020). He is still serving as President of Florida Bible College of Tampa, host of Yankee Radio Broadcast Ministry, and Yankee's Evangelistic Ministries.

Yankee and Betty have been blessed with three precious children and five fantastic grandchildren.

Conference Speakers


Freddie is passionate about declaring the truth of the Bible with clarity and simplicity! The target of his ministry is to clearly communicate the gospel of grace to unbelievers and solid Bible teaching to believers to

nurture them to grow and walk in fellowship with Jesus Christ. His speaking and writing ministry is warmly received and embraced by audiences all over, and God is changing lives.

Dr. Freddie Coile is the President of Focus Evangelistic Ministries and the founder of Grace Farm, a camp and training center for teenagers and college students in Dewy Rose, Georgia.


Dr. Halsey is the author of Truthspeak and The Gospel of Grace and Truth: A Theology of Grace from the Gospel of John. His newest book is “Laying Down the Law: Embracing Grace.” In addition, he is the host of "The Rest of the Story," a radio program on Grace Global Radio.

The 5-minute program is modeled after Paul Harvey's "The Rest of the Story," but with a Christian emphasis.

Dr. Halsey teaches at the Hangar Bible Fellowship in Locust Grove, GA. He is one of the founders of Grace Biblical Seminary. He serves as chancellor and professor of Biblical and Systematic theology.


Dr. Rick Whitmire is the current president and co-founder of Grace Biblical Seminary. For more than forty-five years, he has been the director of GoTel Evangelism, a discipleship ministry focused on soul winning with anyone, anytime, anywhere.

Dr. Whitmire is working on a new book, Saturation Evangelism: Principles of evangelism from the Acts of the Apostles.


Dr. Hal Haller is the Director of Collection Development and Analysis at Luther Rice College & Seminary in Lithonia, GA.

He has served as a youth minister, pastor, Bible

conference speaker, Christian school teacher, board member and principal, college academic dean, and college and seminary teacher. 

In addition, he teaches Systematic Theology 1 & 2 for GBS.


Dr. John Clark is the pastor of Grace Community Fellowship in Newnan. GA. Pastor John has served as the Senior Pastor of Grace Community Fellowship in Newnan, Georgia since September 2016. 

Pastor John is a founding board member of DM2 (Disciple Makers Multiplied), a mission organization focused on pastoral training and discipleship of other disciple-makers. 


Dr. Dennis Rokser is an experienced pastor with 40 years of ministry of verse-by-verse expository teaching at Duluth Bible Church, Duluth, MN.

The focus of his teaching has been the Gospel of God's grace as it relates to salvation, eternal security, the believer's identification/position in Christ, and living by grace through faith-resting in Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Dr. Rokser has authored several books and booklets like: Shall Never Perish Forever, I'm Saved! Now What? Church Planting by the Book, Let's Preach the Gospel, Salvation in 3 Time Zones, Faith & Works - An Explanation of James 2.

Dr. Rokser is the pastor of Grace & Truth Bible Church in Warner Robins, GA.


Pastor Jesse grew up in Calvary Community Church under the leadership of Dr. Yankee Arnold. He attended Florida Bible College of

Tampa from 2013-2017 and graduated with a bachelor’s in biblical studies. He has been in Christian work since 2012.

Pastor Jesse is passionate in his preaching, approachable in conversation, and dedicated to making the gospel clear. He is the pastor of Calvary Community Church, Tampa, FL.

Free Grace Missionaries booths available upon request.

More Conference Information Coming Soon!

How I Forgave the Person who Murdered my Son by Yankee Arnold

  32 years ago, I was asked to speak to the court in Denver about the death of my son, David Arnold. I found this tape last week and thought...