Ralph (Yankee) & Betty Arnold
Dr. Ralph “Yankee”
Arnold accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of 18. In
1964, he attended Summer School at Tennessee Temple Schools in
Chattanooga, Tennessee, and graduated from Florida Bible College in
1968. He was the Founder and Pastor of the Colorado Bible Church in
Arvada, Colorado, from 1972 -1987. For 13 years, he was the Founder and
President of the Arvada Christian School and Colorado Bible College.
He directed an
extensive youth ministry called the “Christian Youth Ranch” for many
years, with over 200 attending Bible College. The major thrust of Dr.
Arnold’s ministry is soul winning. Through the years, his burden for
evangelism continued to grow, and in 1987 Dr. Arnold resigned as pastor
and president to enter the field of full-time evangelism. Dr. Arnold was
honored to share his pulpit with Dr. Curtis Hutson and preached with
him for four years at the South Texas Sword of the Lord Conferences.
Yankee is known for
his clear presentation of the gospel and his fervent appeal for sinners
to be saved. His sermons challenge and motivate Christians to win souls
because of yielding their lives to Christ. As an evangelist, he speaks
out clearly and unmistakably on the issues that affect fundamentalists,
warning against compromise with liberals and modernists.
As the Pastor of
Northside Baptist Church in Athens, Georgia, he hosted the Northside
Bible Hour on television for eight years and on the radio for 17 years.
“Yankee” has been
married for over 60 years to his wonderful, sacrificial, dedicated,
Godly wife, Betty. Their mutual love of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has
been the cause of thousands upon thousands of children, teenagers, and
adults being born into the Family of God.
Dr. Arnold had been
pastor of Calvary Community Church of Tampa for 11 years (2009-2020).
He is still serving as President of Florida Bible College of Tampa, host of Yankee Radio Broadcast Ministry, and Yankee's Evangelistic Ministries.
Yankee and Betty have been blessed with three precious children and five fantastic grandchildren.