Yankee gives update on Betty
When Betty had her severe stroke about a month ago, I was truly devastated as not only what to do for her, but how to do it. This was truly a new adventure for us both. After two different hospitals and two rehab centers, Betty came home to our motor-home on Saturday 15th.
When she was admitted, she could not talk, reason, stand, or walk even with help. She had no control of arms or legs. Thank the Lord for good doctors, nurses, rehab workers, and a multitude of godly saints who continuously took my wife to the throne of grace. THANK YOU SO MUCH.
Betty can reason, talk, feed herself, stand and walk with a little assistance. Dr. Wally Morillo gave us permission to extend our stay an extra couple of weeks at their RV Park here at the church. After a week or so, we will assess the wisdom of continuing our mission trip or returning to Tampa.
Here are some pictures that are the results of your prayers.
Notice the wheelchair and walker in the motor-home
When she is ready. I tried it and it works.Rehab did a wonderful job working with Betty.
To the
Ralph ‘Yankee” Arnold
You were the prettiest thing I had ever seen
I’d be your prince and you my queen
We ran away at the midnight hour
Your prince without armour, castle, or tower
Anderson, South Carolina here we come
Athens, Georgia where we started from
The justice of the peace, not the secretary of war
Our love for each other is what we did it for
Your dad drove all night looking for me
Just to park my soul in eternity
With compassion at last, and a Bible in his hand
He led me to Christ, and I became a new man
Growing to maturity seem to take so long
To gain discernment between right and wrong
When it seems as though my wisdom did falter
Your testimony has been like the rock of Gibraltar
No man could ask more, for his wife to be
Than what you have been since you married me
A pearl of great price that is pure and just
A virtuous woman whom her husband doth trust
Out of two billion women, God led me to you
I’d do it again, and believe you would too
Now there’s gray in our hair, and furrows on our face
But your beauty is enhanced by your dignity and grace
Through all these years, this statement is true
I could not have made it, had it not been for you
Well, it’s Valentine’s Day and love fills the air
I wrote you this poem, to show I still care
Coming home from Rehab. When she entered the hospital, I did not know if she would ever talk or walk again. The Lord has allowed me to escape that sorrow at this time.
Do you think she was excited to get back? We had a party. It will be a while before Betty can walk on her own, so keep praying.
Christian Youth Ranch is still going after 57 years in Pharr, Texas.
Wally and I have been close friends since 1964 as students at Florida Bible College, and now serves as one of our board members for Florida Bible College of Tampa. Wally, who is also caring for his wife, Jane, says my preaching for him these last 4-5 weeks has given him a much-needed break. Jane had a stroke over a year ago and has had some difficult days.
Us two old men would appreciate your continual prayers for our wives. We know that the day is coming when we will become the proud possessors of new bodies. My present strength is coming from Romans 8:25, "But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it."
Present hope about God's future promises gives present strength and patience to wait for it. To lose HOPE is when monotony sits in, joy is gone, purpose fades, strength is lost and unfaithfulness results.
April, sitting next to me, is the daughter of Jane and Wally. Sandy, the red-head, is a close friend of Betty's for many years. She has made sure I had everything I needed.
Yankee Arnold Ministries 7028 W. Waters Ave.
Suite 316 Tampa, Florida 33634
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