Pastor Mike McFarlin and his wife came from Texas to be with the Coile family. They are pictured here with Josiah and his wife. Josiah will continue the Grace Farm Ministry for his dad. This is a picture of the lodge.
Missionary Kees Boers came to visit in Tampa from Bolivia. He is truly a gentle giant that the Lord is using to reach many little ones. This is a letter I received from Nuria that he led to the Lord. Nuria was Twenty years old Sept. 7th !!!This is a letter I just received from Pastor Lance Administer from Taconite, Minn. Not only is he my grandson in the faith, but the pastor of Grace Gospel Church. He actually goes to these pastors to verify they are clear on the gospel.
"Pastor, over a year ago, we mailed a case of your books to Cameroon.
Well, he handed out his last book today. We'll send him another case but
this is what he had shared about what the pastor said about your book."
"After giving the last copy of this book to pastor Wilson he expressed his gratitude to God for a timely gift. He added after going through the introduction "The gospel driven man should be a must read book to any pastor"
I just had Louie, who works for Yankee Arnold Ministries, to mail two more cases of books. That's 98 books. This is the same books all students of Florida Bible College are required to have.
We were truly blessed to have Doug Stroup's family provide excellent music for us on Tuesday night.
I believe I have some young preacher boys coming up. They attended all 5 meetings. Look close ad you might see Janet Coile, Benjamin, and Bethany.
I had not seen the Payne family for several years, since I visited in their home in North Carolina. I was greatly surprised and honored to see Kendron and Jamie with the two daughters. My how they have grown. They drove over 3 hours one way to be there. They found me on the internet.Two and a half years ago, I was laying in the VA Hospital in Tampa, Florida with Covid. Many people prayed for me. One of those influential men was Mike Gallager who host a daily radio broadcast every day across America. Many times I would look from my studio into the next and see him doing his three hour broadcast. I was with him the other night when he was on the Larry Elders Show and wanted to thank him, because I received many calls from across the nation of people who prayed for me. He is a great patriot for America.
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Yankee Arnold Ministries
Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold
7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316
Tampa, Florida 33634
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