Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Yankee is leaving Arizona and headed for Denver, Colorado

Yankee is leaving Arizona and headed for Denver, Colorado

Betty and I have been visiting Camp Verde, Arizona. In 1968, I graduated from Florida Bible College in Miami, Florida. With my wife and two small children, we ventured into the Indian Bible Missions with Cliff Taylor and Sonny Blueye. I was the main camp speaker, beginning at the Roman Nose State Park in Oklahoma, and then Shonto, Arizona to work with the Hopi, Navaho, and Yavapai. We went to Aims, Iowa, Blackduck, Minnesota, Pine Ridge, South Dakota with the Sioux and then to Denver, Colorado where we started the Colorado Indian Bible College.

Here we are, 54 years later, back on Indian territory. These two brothers are from Minnesota who trusted the Lord from my meetings there in 1969. On the left is Dennis Hines and Ronnie Hines is on the right. They are both great soul-winners. Each year they will spend about 5-6 months in Camp Verde to conduct a Bible Study at one of the Trailer (RV) Parks each Sunday.



Trailer Park Church was short about 6 people for the picture.

I led Clint Smith to the Lord over 50 years ago. I was totally surprised when he and his wife, Judy, attended last Sunday from North Carolina.


Suzanne and Jeff Hein live in Bullhead City, Arizona and drove 3 hours and a half to join us at church. We became mutual friends on our YouTube ministry over the clarity of the gospel.We had met them earlier when they visited Calvary Community Church in Tampa.


Holly Garcia Held and her husband (Jason) drove up from the Phoenix area to meet us in Black Canyon, Arizona for lunch. We have known and corresponded over the last few years because of our connection with a common friend, Jack Weaver. She has proven to be a great defender of the faith. We truly enjoyed our time together with Baylie, her daughter.

Sophea was born in Thailand and raised in California. When she said she was about 85% sure of going to heaven, I explained how she could be 100% sure. She was not only excited about going to heaven, but she also loved my Heaven Tract. It is the best follow-up material you can give to either a lost or newly saved person. Holding up the tract was her idea. Look at that smile!!

These two girls both trusted the Lord after we had lunch and gave me permission to take their picture for my newsletter.


When Michael Brown lived in the Atlanta area, he trusted the Lord as a result of my YouTube Ministry. He later moved his family to Florida and became obsessed with telling people about the Lord. My Heaven Tracts were a great way to open a conversation or plant seeds as time would permit. I will let you decide who the person is receiving this tract and is giving a great big smile to Michael.


Never leave home without Heaven Tracts. Michael sent me these two pictures to encourage you, so be encouraged!!! You may order tracts from my store at YankeeArnold.com.

Would you believe there are 22 elk standing behind me. Don’t worry, I stayed close to the car.

My Schedule until the end of July.

April 24-26 Meeting the staff of Dare 2 Share with Greg Stier and speaking to the staff of the Grace

Church in Arvada, Colorado with Pastor Rick Long           

April 28 meeting with friends at the Golden Coral (3677 S. Santa Fe Drive, Sheridan, CO 80110) on Friday, 5-8 pm Facebook Michelle Bauer Newhard if coming.

May 7  Sun. Northland Bible Church          Pastor Tom Cucuzza   St. Cloud, Minn. SS, AM, PM

May 14 Sun Bemidji Baptist Church Pastor Jim Mucerino Bemidji, Minn. Mother’s Day

May 19 Fri Majestic Pines Community       2:30pm            Dennis Hines

May 21-24 Sun Grace Gospel Church Pastor Lance Edminster 95 Hodgins Ave Taconite, Minn

May 28 Sun DaySpring Baptist Church Pastor Daniel Reehoff N14W29489 Silvernail Rd, Pewaukee, WI 1) SS 10am        2) 11 am, and 3) 6pm

June 4  Sun Belmont Bible Church “NEW BUILDING” Pastor Mark Moore Mobile 630-347-4161

5430 Belmont Road Downers Grove IL 60515

Both am and pm services

June 8th, we celebrate 63 years of marriage.

June 11 Sun Quentin Road Baptist Church    Pastor Jim Scudder 24126 N Quentin Rd,

Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Campfire Church at 6pm

June 18 Sun Tippicanoe Bible Church Bill and Kris Kaminsky 765-412-4327 3990 State Road 38 East Lafayette, Indiana 47905            10:30 AM and PM       New Address

June 22-23 Thurs-Fri “Grace Conference” Pastor Jim Scudder Illinois 24126 N Quentin Rd, Lake Zurich, IL 60047

June   24th -July 4th ISRAEL TRIP

July 9 Sun Heritage Baptist Church            Pastor Gregory Shirk 2859 S Ridge Road Perry, Ohio

July16 Sun Tonawanda Indian Baptist Church Pastor Bob Dean            565 Bloomingdale Rd Basom, New York 9:00 AM   

July16            Sun High Point Community Church Pastor Bob Dean 1163 Main Rd. Corfu, New York 11:00AM

July 23 Sun Indianapolis Baptist Church Pastor Matt Roller Cell-317-501-2411 Indiana

 If you know people in these areas that you could influence, please feel free to forward or share this info. I will confirm the dates later for August and September. Yankee

 I do enjoy comments on my newsletters. What do you think?

Just hit REPLY! To FORWARD use link at the bottom of the page.

Yankee Arnold Ministries

Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634




How I Forgave the Person who Murdered my Son by Yankee Arnold

  32 years ago, I was asked to speak to the court in Denver about the death of my son, David Arnold. I found this tape last week and thought...