Friday, September 29, 2023

A Reunion To Remember from Yankee Arnold


October 14-15, 2023

Hosted by the Calvary Community Church of Tampa

Pastor Jesse Martinez

4811 George Road

Tampa, Florida 33634

 This is an invitation to all who have been influenced for the Lord in the following ministries.

·        Christian Youth Ranch of Miami (Many years)

West Coast Youth Ranch

Tampa Youth Ranch

Suncoast Youth Ranch

·        Florida Bible College Reunion, (61 years)

·        Calvary Community Church Homecoming! (57 years)

 I am sure that we are all aware of our thinning ranks. Many of our numbers have already graced the streets of gold and are waiting for our arrival. Wouldn’t it be great for the rapture to take place in the middle of October while we are singing, “I’ll Fly Away”?

 Two days, just getting together each day for a meal and fellowship; singing firehouse five music; reminiscing with God honoring testimonies. Think about what the ministries named above have meant in your life! Should you come? Wouldn’t you like to be a blessing while getting a blessing?

 LUNCH, SATURDAY, October 14th, at noon. Come as early as 10 am for music, share testimonies, and fellowship; Chick-Fil-A boxed lunch (nominal charge TBD); stay as late as 2PM (or so) for the same.

 GROUP PICTURE will be made, and sent to those who wanted to, but could not attend. Testimonies of Ministry blessings and family blessings.

 MEAL SUNDAY is free. Checking out Chick-Fil-A for Saturday.

 SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHURCH followed by catered dinner Sunday, October 15th. Testimonies, music, the gospel, great food, more fellowship.


Don't make me be the oldest at this reunion, Ralph "Yankee" Arnold

Please comment on this Florida Bible College Facebook post if coming,

Saturday, Sunday, or both.

Or contact Kyla at 813-884-4328, or Bob 850-227-5325.

Monday, September 25, 2023

Yankee is selling his 1998 Freight-liner Discovery 36' diesel motor home

 Yankee is selling his 1998 Freight-liner Discovery 

36' DIESEL motor home



Lord willing, I plan on continuing my yearly preaching tours around America. My wife and I agreed to upgrade to a better motor-home so that means we must sell this one.

The speedometer broke at about 119,500 miles, but I am assuming I have put 40,000 since then. This year, it used one quart of oil while I traveled 21 states.  Tires are like brand-new.

The RV is now in the shop to install a new refrigerator, and new steps at the door.

We put in a new microwave and a new water radiator last year. This year a new Diesel Fuel injector pump with new injectors was installed for $7,000.00.

 The living room has a slide-out.

The washer and dryer has never been used. Don't forget, the switch is under the cabinet left of the microwave.

There is storage area under the bed. 

There was a motor cycle rack on the back but it is gone. My wife would not allow me to ride one.

 Beware! Sometimes pictures make it look better than it is. There is some fading.

Zoom in and you can see the coloring on these two back panels.
There is two damaged panels in front of the back left tires. One will not open, but it is not needed.
I usually cruise between 65 and 70.  Average mileage per gallon is about 10-11.

Denver, Colorado  The generator runs off of propane's separate tank. We found that when we are plugged into 30 or 50 amp, a little electric heater warms the coach very well in winter.

Zoom in to see these two back panels and you will see they probably need to be replaced. I will not replace them, because they don't bother me. The awning needs attention, but we never used it, so you can fix it if you want. Price stays the same. Do only what you believe the Lord wants you to do.

Purchased as is; no warranty of any kind. No guarantees implied. 

Contact me at

Ralph "Yankee" Arnold

Motor home is located in Tampa, Florida

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Why do some preachers GUT the Gospel



By Dr. Ralph “Yankee” Arnold

 The presentation of the gospel message is a story about the problem of man’s eternal destiny meeting the eternal solution from God.

·       There has been much confusion about the correct contents of the gospel message. What should it include?

·       We know that we must strip all the hints of a man’s works out of the gospel of grace, but what about those who gut the truth out of the gospel?

·       The gospel is not clear or understood just because we know what we said or meant, but when the lost person does.

·       I believe the story of the gospel should be sufficient to remove questions, doubts, and confusions about eternal security.

·       I believe the gospel story should reveal to a person their problem.  I believe the gospel story should reveal to a person God’s only solution. The best form of follow-up with a new believer is their solid understanding of the truth of the gospel.

·       Is the so-called gospel presented by GES (Grace Evangelical Society) and many "Free Grace" preachers representing the truth of the gospel? Is just “Believe in Jesus for Eternal Life” a sufficient message that plants a believer on solid ground and  removes questions and doubts? No death, burial, and resurrection needed to be in the gospel. REALLY? 

     As the President of Florida Bible College of Tampa, I must teach students the truth of the gospel and why they should be as Paul says, set for "the defense and confirmation of the gospel". Philippians 1:7 I have placed this message, "WHY DO SOME PREACHERS GUT THE GOSPEL?" on my YouTube channel.


      I do enjoy comments on my newsletters. What do you think?

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How I Forgave the Person who Murdered my Son by Yankee Arnold

  32 years ago, I was asked to speak to the court in Denver about the death of my son, David Arnold. I found this tape last week and thought...