Sunday, October 29, 2023

Why Yankee Arnold request your financial support

 This is Dr. Ralph “Yankee” Arnold and this is the time of the year that YANKEE ARNOLD MINISTRIES must make a lot of decisions for the coming year.

The basis of my ministry has always been to win souls to Christ and train them to win other souls to Christ. I have been blessed with sufficient help to start churches, Christian Schools, and two Bible Colleges.

I have produced a daily radio program for over 48 years and a weekly tv program for 8 years. I have directed over 50 Christian Youth Camps across America. Without the faithful support of God’s people over the years, I am aware of how little I would have been able to accomplish. 

Living by faith is living by the confidence that others have in your ministry. When people have confidence in my ministry, and support the ministry, it becomes their ministry. Those who are limited in knowledge of this ministry will be limited in support of this ministry. 

I have always seen myself as someone who is going into all the world with the gospel, speaking for the many who cannot go, except by their support of missionaries.

As most of you know, I resigned from the pastorate of Calvary Community Church of Tampa at the end of 2020.

Did that mean I am retired? I don’t think so. This year, my wife and I traveled in our motor-home through 21 states for 8 months, and I was preaching every week.

I will be 82 in February 2024. I feel like I am just getting my second wind. I desire your continuing financial support; I beseech you on behalf of Christ to continue assisting me to reach the lost with a clear gospel message. Many preach, but few are clear.

If you approve of what I seek to do for the sake of the gospel, please consider partnering with me. I pray that the radio and YouTube ministries have been a blessing to you.

Look at the things you have helped to accomplish.

Look at the messages you helped to deliver.

Look at the places you traveled.

And look at the number of people you helped to reach.

Just think what we could do in 2024. May I count on you?


Consider the YouTube Ministry:

Our channel has got over 3,072,507 views.

You did that!

You prayed for my life to be spared through Covid and God heard your prayers.

You supported the ministry, which enabled me to pay the staff to produce the audio for radio and video for YouTube.

Your support was not in vain.

20.4K YouTube subscribers - 574 videos – more every week. YouTube may be free, but it is not free to produce messages.

Consider what we did together for the Lord.

What If A Man WILLFULLY Sins AFTER He Is Saved?    389,911 with 2,077 comments

 This video got 11,476 views in the last 28 days.


 371,130 views / 1,034 Comments

The clear gospel was shared with 12,615 people in the last 28 days

 79,422 with 1,683 Comments


Calvinism DESTROYED with a Parable


JESUS vs John MacArthur  Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold 69,794

Why Lordship Salvation is WRONG!





Showing top 48 results. Look what you help accomplished.

United State                1,844,498

India                                216,903

United Kingdom      119,128

Philippines               116,727

Canada               102,764

Australia             55,889

Ireland               24,438

Indonesia          22,150

South Africa      21,312

Israel                  15,137

Singapore          5,073

Malaysia            3,678

Germany            3,549

New Zealand     2,542

Poland               2,525

Netherlands      2,095

Thailand             1,617

Mexico               1,400

Sweden                1,283

Kenya                 1,234

Belgium               1,219

Trinidad & Tobago  1,209

Denmark           1,179

Nigeria              1,158

Türkiye            1,133

Norway              986

Croatia               880

Brazil                 788

Switzerland       621

Jamaica             570

Romania            544

Finland              526

South Korea      442

Spain                  404

Russia                393

Ukraine             326

United Arab Emirates    293

Hong Kong       280

Palestine           260

Greece               254

Ghana               250

Saudi Arabia    228

France               226

Argentina          222

Cambodia          197

Japan                 194

Sri Lanka          188

Ecuador             176

Radio Ministry 

I have produced a daily radio program for over 48 years. My current stations in Colorado and Florida are now in jeopardy of going off the air at the end of 2023.

That would potentially lose a listening audience of 13-20 million people. Many people over the years have allowed the Lord to use Yankee Arnold Radio Ministries to win thousands to the Lord. We want that to continue.  Don’t you?

This is a time in my life where I want to do more, but without additional support I may have to do less. There have been many over the years that have given generously, but no longer have the means to continue giving.

Watch my videos on YouTube and listen to my audio messages on radio and consider if this is where you would like to invest for eternity.

Would you consider making a generous Tax-exempt donation to Yankee Arnold Ministries before the end of the year or consider an automatic monthly gift that would help us plan for 2024?

Each year, I must give commitment to the radio stations for the coming year.

I must give commitment to the people who work for Yankee Arnold Ministries.

I must give commitments to every pastor where I will be preaching to plan a 7–8-month tour.

Will you help me by standing with me?

After much prayer, and believing it is the will of God for you, will you go now to the donate page at and cheerfully do what you can?

Please support your church and missionaries FIRST!

I do want to say how much I appreciate those of you that have given and are still giving faithfully. Thank you and God bless you very much.


Yankee Arnold. Thank you – and God bless!


To pay with a credit or debit card at: CLICK HERE:

Mailing address:

Yankee Arnold Ministries

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Why Israel's War is America's War 15 minute message by Yankee Arnold

Can Muslims in Congress love America if they hate Israel? If Hamas cannot co-exist with Israel, how can Hamas sympathizers in America co-exist with American values? It will serve you well to watch this warning. You may be wise to not leave comments that might lead back to you. YOU WILL NOT LEARN THIS ON THE EVENING NEWS! Yankee


How I Forgave the Person who Murdered my Son by Yankee Arnold

  32 years ago, I was asked to speak to the court in Denver about the death of my son, David Arnold. I found this tape last week and thought...