Thursday, April 28, 2022

Yankee first update for getting on the road for Summer 2022

Betty and I dropped by to visit with David and Lisa Cannon in West Palm Bay, Florida. I was privileged to give the gospel at their Sunrise service with two indicating they would trust Christ as Savior.
We then headed to Vero Beach, Florida to be with Brian Casey and his wife, Michelle.
They have founded the Seaside Bible Church a couple months ago and needs your prayer support. The children are Drew-15, Emma-13, Jake-11. It is a great thing to see young men give their lives to the Lord's work. Michelle is the daughter of Tom and Sue Cucuzza.

I thank the Lord for having a great send off from Calvary Community Church of Tampa. Pastor Jesse Martinez, graduate of Florida Bible College, allowed me the opportunity to speak last Sunday before heading North.
My daughter, Trina raises some chickens and the big rooster she named "Yankee". I wish God's people would take to the Word of God like these chickens take to corn. Why, I had them eating out of my hand. This is part of my continuing physical therapy, I think.
I was able to squeeze in just enough time to attend the funeral for my Aunt Sally Mae Arnold who died at 93 years of age. The preacher did a very good job explaining the gospel and even referred to the time I had led her to the Lord over 20 years before.
Last night we enjoyed our time with some of the Northside Baptist Church crew at the Blind Pig Restaurant in Athens, Georgia.

We will leave Athens in the morning in time for Betty to attend a Mother and Daughter Banquet Friday night. I will be speaking at the  Double Springs Baptist Church with Pastor Randy Waller on May 1  located at 280 Double Springs Rd Jonesborough, TN  423-429-5332 AM 10:30 / PM 6                      

You may keep track of many of my messages by viewing them on my YouTube Channel at


Yankee Arnold Ministries

Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Yankee believes you should take his online classes


Why you should study the ministry from Dr. Arnold. For almost 60 years he has been a soul-winner, church planter, missionary, pastor, evangelist, radio and television host, and president of two bible colleges. Learn from someone who has done the work.

Dr. Arnold’s Online Classes


Personal Evangelism

Professor: President Ralph "Yankee" Arnold

Detailed and comprehensive study of the plan of salvation with Scriptural and practical methods of sharing this message. Emphasis on Scripture memorization.

3 Semester Hours (45 class sessions)

For Credit            For Audit

The Books of Daniel and Revelation

Professor: President Ralph "Yankee" Arnold

Careful, interpretive course on the book of Revelation, drawing in large portions of Daniel, Ezekiel, and other books dealing with the last times.

2 Semester Hours (28 class sessions)

For Credit       For Audit

The Book of Galatians (2018)

Professor: President Ralph "Yankee" Arnold

Verse by verse study emphasizing the clarity of the Gospel and Christian liberty.

2 Semester Hours (28 class sessions)

For Credit       For Audit

Cult Evangelism

Professor: President Ralph "Yankee" Arnold

Survey of major world cults and religions comparing doctrines with those of the Bible. Stress on defending Biblical truth against false teaching and evangelizing those blinded by it.

3 Semester Hours (45 class sessions)

For Credit    For Audit

This wallet illustration is demonstrated here: Only 4 minutes long



Personal Evangelism

  Cult Evangelism


 Prophetic Survey

Daniel & Revelation

Bible Doctrine 1

Bible Doctrine 2

Gospel of John


Spiritual Life

Christian Evidences

For immediate attention, or more information on additional classes taught on campus or online, please contact:

Bob Gilbert, Registrar  
850-227-5325 (cell)



Florida Bible College of Tampa
4811 George Road, Tampa, FL 33634

Phone: (813)-884-8182
Alt Phone: (850)-227-5325


 Would you like to help in the cost of training young men and women for the Lord? 


The Sword, The Hulk, The Sendoff, and Betty's hospital update

  The Sword, The Hulk, The Sendoff, and Betty's hospital update The greatest things about remembering Dr. Hank Lindstrom, was that he w...