Friday, May 26, 2023

Yankee Ministers in Minnesota

Yankee Ministers in Minnesota

Our first stop was in St. Cloud to be with Tom Cucuzza. He is the pastor of Northland Bible Baptist Church. He and his wife, Sue, have served for over 42 years. Tom is a great defender of the faith and I highly endorse all his ministries.

They had a great crowd on May 7th

Then we visited with Jim and Robin Mucerino in Bemidji. They have also become one of our regular stops on our preaching tour.

May 14th was Mother’s Day and the message was “Wisdom is Justified of her Children”. Some precious ladies from Dora Lake joined the services along with Jim and Natalie Adams and afterwards we all enjoyed a great meal and fellowship together.

Craig came all the way from Mississippi with his wife Christi to help me catch some fish. We did all right eating these Northerns. Jim Adams took me out on the following Monday to Red Lake and we caught our limit in Walleye. I think I like catching all those young tender juicy fish rather than those big tough old fish that Charlie Bing catches. Don’t tell him I said that.If you want to read a good book on fishing I highly recommend Charlie's book "Fishing for Life". 

Why is Craig smiling so big? While he and Jim were cleaning those fish, I caught the big fish standing next to me. That is Craig’s Son-in-Law.

We drove to Taconite, Minnesota to be with Lance and Karla Edminster of the Grace Gospel Church. Lance is my grand-son in the faith and I am very proud of the work he  is doing for the Lord.

I must admit, this is the biggest sign I have ever seen for one of my 4-day events. Maybe I need to pull this behind the motor-home.

I was truly surprised to see such a great turnout on Sunday morning May 21st. While Karla was showing us around their home, would you believe their horse came right up to me and rub his cheek against mine. It was time to get a picture. (no comments are necessary.)

 They had a great crowd on Wednesday night.

Here is a special picture of a special person.

Aiden Brown graduated from k-4 kindergarten. Betty and I are very proud of him. He is the son of Michael and Nicole Brown. They trusted the Lord from my youtube ministry. I believe Aiden is after my job. He attends a Christian School and is very good at memorizing scripture.

Zillow ad for Heavenly home 

Written by a Special Anonymous Friend


John 14:2  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. John 14:3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 

Location, Location, Location!

“Exclusive homes built in a gated, beautiful garden like community, designed and built by a master builder and carpenter.

You can’t imagine the views, activities, and the friendliness of this community. Friends and family are already there and excitedly waiting for you.

Your next home has all the possible upgrades! No detail has been overlooked by the builder regarding your custom home.

Best of all, your new home comes with no mortgage and totally debt free! No closing costs, no taxes, HOA or maintenance fees.

This is a legitimate offer by the one who purchased it for you and paid the price in full, 2000 years ago.”

You can make your reservation right now.

You only need to acknowledge that you could never earn the right to live there. It is by the carpenter’s grace and mercy alone. Simply contact the builder/carpenter and accept this offer by stating you believe in Him as your Savior. By accepting this free gift, (by believing he has paid the entire price for your right to live in this new home), it becomes yours immediately and forever.

This is an unlimited offer. Time sensitive. The only condition of this offer is your faith/trust in the builder, Jesus Christ as the one who paid for all your sins.

Sorry, no photos available. For additional information, contact a representative of the Builder or check out his personal text (Bible) for a greater vision. 


May 28 Sun DaySpring Baptist Church Pastor Daniel Reehoff N14W29489 Silvernail Rd, Pewaukee, WI 1) SS 10am  2) 11 am, and 3) 6pm

June 4  Sun Belmont Bible Church “NEW BUILDING” Pastor Mark Moore Mobile 630-347-4161 5430 Belmont Road Downers Grove IL 60515

AM Services Only

June 8th, we celebrate 63 years of marriage.

June 11 Sun Quentin Road Baptist Church    Pastor Jim Scudder 24126 N Quentin Rd, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Campfire Church at 6pm

June 18 Sun Tippicanoe Bible Church Bill and Kris Kaminsky 765-412-4327 3990 State Road 38 East Lafayette, Indiana 47905            10:30 AM and PM       New Address

June 22-23 Thurs-Fri “Grace Conference” Pastor Jim Scudder Illinois 24126 N Quentin Rd, Lake Zurich, IL 60047

June   24th -July 4th ISRAEL TRIP

July 9 Sun Heritage Baptist Church  Pastor Gregory Shirk 2859 S Ridge Road Perry, Ohio

July16 Sun Tonawanda Indian Baptist Church Pastor Bob Dean   565 Bloomingdale Rd Basom, New York 9:00 AM   

July16  Sun High Point Community Church Pastor Bob Dean 1163 Main Rd. Corfu, New York 11:00AM

July 23 Sun Indianapolis Baptist Church Pastor Matt Roller Cell-317-501-2411 Indiana

If you know people in these areas that you could influence, please feel free to forward or share this info. 

 I do enjoy comments on my newsletters. What do you think?

Just hit REPLY! To FORWARD use link at the bottom of the page.

Yankee Arnold Ministries

Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A Whirlwind of Precious Colorado Memories

A Whirlwind of Precious Colorado Memories

A little over a year-ago, I was in a holding pattern to see what the good Lord had in store for Betty and me. After 3 weeks in the VA Hospital with covid, I never knew if I would enjoy good health enough to travel and preach again. I believe the Lord has blessed me because of your faithful prayers. Thank you seems to be so little to say, for having a heart so full of gratitude.  

Our first stop in Colorado was to meet my grandson, DJ, in Pueblo. He reminds me so much of my son, David, who was brutally murdered in Jan, 1991.

 Mr. Phost and his son from Rush, Colorado came to Colorado Springs to meet us for a noon meal when we drove up I-25. He found me on my radio broadcast over KLTT 670AM. He is a farmer with over 1500 acres and 500 cattle. 

We appreciate the invite of Larry and Jennifer Maniscalco for putting us up for the time we stayed in Denver. Jennifer is another one of my spiritual children from the ministry of Colorado Bible Church.

We were privileged to park at the home of Pastor Rick Long in Arvada, Colo. And the next morning we were so excited to see the snow. The water pipes froze, but by noon they were defrosted; no damage.

Rick and Shelly (on the left) were celebrating her 57 birthday. I not only led her to the Lord but married them as well. They both graduated from the Arvada Christian Schools. I spoke to his staff of about 50 last Tuesday for a good hour. The following Sat and Sunday (3 services that were packed) he had the best baptismal service I have ever witnessed. There were 92 that were baptized while Rick read each of their own personal written testimony showing their understanding of salvation and service.

Pictured with Shelly and me is Mark Schweizer. He was my youth director back in the 80’s and is serving in the ministry of Grace Church in Arvada. Shelly informed me that they just raised over 6 million dollars of an 11-million-dollar project. This fall they will begin the FORGE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL for high school students. They are anticipating over 300 in their first year.

Pastor Rick Long began the Grace Church with Greg Stier about 30 years ago. They both graduated from our school. They both attended Ranch, Camps, and Colorado Bible Church. It appears that Greg took my camp philosophy and turned it into Dare 2 Share and Rick took Ranch Philosophy and turned it into a church. They both have done a phenomenal job with their own personal twist. I remember taking Rick and his brother Rob out on their first day on a golf course. That is always a nightmare. Rick hit a 345-yard drive that went into the cup. I was there and could not believe it. In 65 years, I have never come close.

Song and Jeff Rowden came by to see us. She was a Buddhist that trusted the Lord when she saw me do the “Wallet Illustration”. She said it made the gospel so clear.

Shawna Turley came by to thank me for leading her to the Lord about 37 years ago. It is amazing that her same wonderful, sweet spirit was the same 30 years later. I really am thankful to live long enough to see the fruit of many years of labor.

Keith and Michelle Newhard planned a wonderful reception with some special friends of the Colorado ministry on Friday, April, 28th. Dave Mathias (5 from the left) is the uncle that is told about in Greg Stier's newest book.

These are the buildings that I designed and helped to build back in the late 70’s. This was the home of Colorado Bible Church, Arvada Christian Schools, the Colorado Bible College, and the Christian Youth Ranches. I used these buildings to build people. Many leaders came from this ministry.

Greg allowed us to join him in celebrating his wife’s birthday. I remember the day I put my hand on his shoulder when he was a student at ACS and said, “God is going to use you to shake the world”.

Greg invited me to join him in Estes Park to witness the Message, the Motive, the Means, and the Man who will pray for God to stir the hearts of over 200 youth leaders from 35 states and 5 countries.

Fervent prayer is one of a Christian greatest act of worship.

On our way to speak for Tom Cucuzza at the Northland Baptist Church in St. Cloud, Minn., my wife screamed that the awning was coming down across the door and windows. I was driving about 65 miles an hour with 40 miles per hour winds. The man not only fixed it on a Saturday but also trusted the Lord. 


My grandson, Jordan, bought a motorcycle. Next thing I heard was my son, Eddie, bought one too. I told my wife that maybe we needed to downsize our motor-home, but she would not even sit on the seat behind me. Don’t you think this would be a cool way for us to travel? I told her this one at least had trainer wheels. O’ well, I guess it’s back to my nursing home on wheels.


May 7  Sun. Northland Bible Church  Pastor Tom Cucuzza   St. Cloud, Minn. SS, AM, PM

May 14 Sun Bemidji Baptist Church Pastor Jim Mucerino Bemidji, Minn. Mother’s Day

May 19 Fri Majestic Pines Community  2:30pm  Dennis Hines

May 21-24 Sun Grace Gospel Church Pastor Lance Edminster 95 Hodgins Ave Taconite, Minn

May 28 Sun DaySpring Baptist Church Pastor Daniel Reehoff N14W29489 Silvernail Rd, Pewaukee, WI 1) SS 10am  2) 11 am, and 3) 6pm

June 4  Sun Belmont Bible Church “NEW BUILDING” Pastor Mark Moore Mobile 630-347-4161 5430 Belmont Road Downers Grove IL 60515

AM Services Only

June 8th, we celebrate 63 years of marriage.

June 11 Sun Quentin Road Baptist Church    Pastor Jim Scudder 24126 N Quentin Rd, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Campfire Church at 6pm

June 18 Sun Tippicanoe Bible Church Bill and Kris Kaminsky 765-412-4327 3990 State Road 38 East Lafayette, Indiana 47905            10:30 AM and PM       New Address

June 22-23 Thurs-Fri “Grace Conference” Pastor Jim Scudder Illinois 24126 N Quentin Rd, Lake Zurich, IL 60047

June   24th -July 4th ISRAEL TRIP

July 9 Sun Heritage Baptist Church  Pastor Gregory Shirk 2859 S Ridge Road Perry, Ohio

July16 Sun Tonawanda Indian Baptist Church Pastor Bob Dean   565 Bloomingdale Rd Basom, New York 9:00 AM   

July16  Sun High Point Community Church Pastor Bob Dean 1163 Main Rd. Corfu, New York 11:00AM

July 23 Sun Indianapolis Baptist Church Pastor Matt Roller Cell-317-501-2411 Indiana

If you know people in these areas that you could influence, please feel free to forward or share this info. I will confirm the dates later for August and September. Yankee

 I do enjoy comments on my newsletters. What do you think?

Just hit REPLY! To FORWARD use link at the bottom of the page.

Yankee Arnold Ministries

Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634

How I Forgave the Person who Murdered my Son by Yankee Arnold

  32 years ago, I was asked to speak to the court in Denver about the death of my son, David Arnold. I found this tape last week and thought...