Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Yankee Preaches in Trinidad

This was my fourth trip to Trinidad to be with Dr. Birbal Boodram and his wife, Annette. They also graduated from Florida Bible College in 1973. As a national, he returned to his homeland to begin a ministry to reach his people. After winning many souls to Christ, he began the Kelly Community Church and Trinidad Bible Institute. Later he joined with Dr. Ron Seecharan to host the Solid Rock Theological Seminary.

Sam Samaroo and his wife, Savi, is sitting beside Betty. He was led to the Lord by Birbal and assist in all facets of the ministry. Daniel and his wife (sitting across from me) is Birbal's brother and both attended the classes. 

(Not all are pictured) Besides speaking on Saturday for their 48th Church Anniversary, two Sunday services, I was privileged to speak three hours each night for five days for the Solid Rock Theological Seminary. That was a  total of 18 difference messages. It was great having 10-15 pastors from the nearby community to teach on the dangers of Calvinism and how to preach the simplicity of the Gospel.

Some of the points I made:

For the Calvinists and the Armenians: There is really no difference because neither knows for sure they will make it until they die. They both must LIVE a life above sin until the end.

All the evidence used to prove one is REALLY saved proves they are REALLY not.

You have never (nor can you ever) make an accurate list of proofs that you are PERSEVERING TO THE END.

If it is possible to lose salvation, YOU ALREADY HAVE! 

How do you prove you have not lost your salvation?

How do you prove you prove you still have your salvation?

If only the Lord can save you, how does he tell you when he quit saving you?

Can you lose your salvation without you knowing it?

Could you be deceived into believing you are still saved, even tho you have already lost it?

If you ever lose it, what proof proves you have it back?

If you added your obedience to prove you are saved, would salvation still be by grace?

How do you prove you are one of the elect (chosen by God before you believed)?

If you were chosen before you were born, were you ever really lost (meaning-in danger of going to Hell)?

If Christ did not die for those who were not chosen, why preach the gospel to those who can't believe?

Can you find a verse that clearly says you can lose your salvation? I'm waiting.

Can you find a scripture or story in the Bible where a person was saved, lost it, and then was saved again?

THE TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL: The gospel of salvation is free from beginning to the end. NO WORKS of man is now nor ever required to secure salvation, to maintain salvation, or to prove salvation. The gospel that the Lord has provided for mankind is only ETERNAL SECURITY. To be ashamed of ONCE SAVED ALWAYS SAVED is to not only be ashamed of the Gospel, BUT OF CHRIST HIMSELF.

There can be no surrender, no compromise,  no respect to a close imitation. Eternal Security is the only proof that one truly, genuinely, really believes in salvation by GRACE alone. No other evidence is necessary or possible.

 We enjoyed a wonderful trip to Maracas Bay for a time at the beach and a great shark sandwich.

What a trooper! Betty had two shots in both knees the day we headed to Miami for Trinidad. She had great difficulty walking but she made it. The Lord truly blessed me with just the right woman. She set in that wheel chair for 10 hours. Our flight was delayed by 7 hours. We arrived back into Miami at 3:30am, got a taxi to our car and drove back to Tampa. We got back at 9am. Sunday. I quickly shaved and showered and made it to Calvary Community Church just in time for the service. On Monday we headed to Athens, Ga. to meet the kids and grand-kids for Thanksgiving.  

These are two missionaries (Pastor Birbal and Pastor Sam) I highly and whole heartily endorse for financial support. They have graduated over 400 with a clear gospel. Birbal was trained under Dr. A. Ray Stanford, Dr. Seymour, and Dr. Mark Cambron. Consider giving them a Christmas gift for the work of the Lord. You may email them to get more info. Gifts are tax-deductible.

Dr. Birbal (Rev.) & Annette (Shano) Boodram
Lp # 5 Hydraulic Road,
Kelly Village, Caroni
Trinidad & Tobago W.I.
Home  (868) 669-3509
Mobile (868) 680-4652
Office   (USA) 954-239-7139
Eph. 2:8-10

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Yankee Arnold Ministries

Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634



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