Thursday, November 7, 2024

Yankee Letter of Appreciation to Financial Supporters for 2024

 Yankee Letter of Appreciation to Financial Supporters for 2024

 Last year at this time, I seriously considered stopping my Yankee Arnold Ministries. I was down to $30,000.00 in our account with contracts for the radio stations needing my signature to commit to the following year.

 I brought my need to the Lord, and he told me to share it with you. So, I did. Your response was overwhelming. I was able to sign contracts for the radio stations and continue paying for the three staff workers for 2024. Thank you so much.

 Greg does all the radio programs for all stations and podcasts (over 172,600 plays). Louie takes care of editing all videos for YouTube and filling book orders from the bookstore. David hosts our internet ministry, unifies Paypal, Bank, and websites info. Their labors enable me freedom to travel America and preach in churches, revivals, camps, and Bible conferences.

 Your financial support this year has enabled me to keep the clear gospel message on the air. With the 4 stations in Florida that reaches about 5 million and the 3 stations in Colorado that reaches between 10-15 million, you are helping me to reach thousands that perhaps would never have heard the gospel.

My YouTube Channel has gotten 3,835,391 views as of this week. There is an average of 80-90,000 views a month. What If A Man WILLFULLY Sins AFTER he Is Saved” has over 595,980 views. 

THE CLEAR GOSPEL IN 4 MINUTES (Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold) has 576,978 views.

We have 26.7K subscribers and •657 videos on YouTube. This is an update from David on the PodCast Ministry. ‘172.6K’ plays. A new message is posted every day from my radio broadcast. Podcasts may be heard at: Yankee’s Daily Podcast

 Comments from all messages on our YouTube Channel suggest that about 5-10 people trust the Lord every day. Please visit and read them to see how many are being blessed. There is an average of 500 new subscribers every 28 days. Go to:

 I will be 83 on February 04, 2025. I am pleased that many supporters see me as their missionary for these last days. I fully realize that 2025 may bring changes in people’s financial commitments due to the economy or other pressing obligations. They owe me no apology or explanation. I get it. I totally understand. I am still amazed at the generous donations that have allowed me to reach people with the gospel over so many years. Just pray that others will fill the gap as they have the means to do so.  

 Last year Betty and I traveled to 21 states in 9 months. We are now making plans for 2025. My tentative plans (Lord willing) are to travel from Tampa in January toward Arizona, Dallas to Denver, Wyoming to South Dakota, Minnesota to Wisconsin, Chicago to Michigan, Ohio to Buffalo, Indianapolis to Kentucky, Tennessee to Georgia and back to Tampa. (Plus, many stops in between).

 I am looking for NEW OPPORTUNITIES along the route. Email me if interested. ( I do not charge any church for preaching, for food, or lodging because my monthly supporters enable me to come without charge. They help me to be a spiritual blessing and not a financial burden. Pray that Betty and I will have good health for our bodies, strength that will be required, safety on the road, and much fruit that may abound to your account. SHARE IF YOU LIKE!

 In the last 3 weeks, I preached in Georgia, Texas, Florida, and next week, Betty and I will be in Trinidad. I will be speaking about 18 times. Keep us in your prayers. Yankee

I do enjoy comments on my newsletters. What do you think?

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Yankee Arnold Ministries

Ralph 'Yankee' Arnold

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634

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