Friday, February 25, 2022

Special message of thanks from Yankee Arnold including Summer Schedule


 Special message from Yankee Arnold

 Dear Friend of Yankee Arnold Ministries,

I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere thanks to all those who prayed for my recovery from my recent bout with Covid. I was in VA Hospital ICU for about three weeks. It is truly only because of all your prayers and the outstanding medical staff who helped me that I can continue the Lord’s work.  It seems the Lord isn’t done with me yet and I believe all of you who petitioned Heaven on my behalf is one of the reasons why.  I don’t know exactly how prayer works, only that it availeth much and this miraculous recovery of mine is proof of that.

I’m well on my way towards full recovery.  Even in my darkest hour when it was far from certain that I would live, it was comforting to know that so many of you were beseeching God on my behalf. Thank-you also one and all for your continued financial support of my ministry. 

Yankee Arnold Radio Broadcast is heard every weekday on WTBN at 6pm on 570AM and 910AM here in Tampa. I have been on KLTT for over 12 years in Denver, Colo. every weekday, I could not have done so without your faithful monthly financial support.

My staff consist of Greg Bizzell who does all the editing for the radio broadcasts and posting them on Podcast. Louie Hernandez edits and posts my video messages on my YouTube Channel. He also handles mailing and bookkeeping for Yankee Arnold Ministries.

I would say that 95% of my messages are Gospel Driven. I simply don’t want people to go to Hell. Many have trusted the Lord from listening to the audio and video broadcasts. You are a part of this vital ministry. On behalf of the Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for helping to bring the gospel to the world through our internet ministry.  

My YouTube channel has gotten over 2,166,506 views

My top Videos

1          What If a Man WILLFULLY Sins AFTER He Is Saved? -            243,396

2          THE CLEAR GOSPEL IN 4 MINUTES                                        163,082

            (This video got 4,387 views in the last 28 days)

3          The PRE-TRIB Rapture Is RIGHT!                                                  72,968

4          Calvinism DESTROYED with a Parable                                         55,701

5          JESUS vs John MacArthur                                                              52,312

My plea for funds is to God’s people for the purpose of reaching the lost with the gospel. Donations should only be considered after you have fulfilled your responsibility to your church. All donations are tax-exempt with the IRS.

Please continue to pray for my continued healing and for Yankee Arnold Ministries to continue this valuable ministry.

My partial Summer Schedule for my evangelistic tour:

May     7          Sat.      Wild Game Dinner      12pm               Pastor Neal Dearyan             Ohio

8          Sun.     Chili Crossroads Bible Church             Pastor Neal Dearyan            Ohio

15        Sun.     Northland Bible Church                     Pastor Tom Cucuzza               Minn.

21        Sat.      Granddaughter’s graduation             Abby Arnold                           Ga.

29        Sun.     Bemidji Baptist Church                       Pastor Jim Mucerino             Minn.

June     5-8       Sun      Grace Gospel Church                         Pastor Lance Adminster   Minn.

            12        Sun.     DaySpring Baptist Church                 Pastor Daniel Reehoff       Wisc.

            23-24   Thurs   “Grace Conference”                           Pastor Jim Scudder            Illinois

July     3          Sun.     Heritage Baptist Church                     Pastor Gregory Shirk          Ohio

            17        Sun.     Tonawanda Indian Baptist Church     Pastor Bob Dean                 Penn.

            17        Sun.     High Point Community Church          (TENTATIVE)

Sept.    8-10     Thurs.  “Grace Conference”                           Dr. Rick Whitmire              Ga.

Oct.     16-18   Fri.      “Calvary Mission Conference”          Pastor Jesse Martinez           Fla.

Contact me if you would like to have me for a meeting. If you choose to email me, I would be glad to hear from you. or just hit reply

Yankee Arnold Ministries

7028 W. Waters Ave. Suite 316

Tampa, Florida 33634

On my youtube channel, there are 434 videos with doctrinal topics to answer most bible related questions. There are presently 16,058 subscribers. Please subscribe to my channel.

Visit my channel at:  

Visit my website and see the bookstore and podcasts at:

With over 3,000 messages on Podcast, there has been over 72,000 plays.

Your missionary to the world,


I just hit 80 years of age and feel like I am in the prime of my life. It's time to give it all I have. God bless you.

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