Tuesday, July 23, 2024



(Freddie called me last night from Mexico with a fervent request to let people know how he is doing.)

From Janet Coile to you.

Dear friends, Freddie and I have come to Mexico to seek treatment for his cancerous brain tumor after receiving the news that the chemo drug they were using in the US wasn’t working. We felt the Lord was leading us to a doctor in Mexico who had successfully treated a glioblastoma patient in the past. We brought our son, Benjamin, to help with Freddie’s care. We have had some ups and downs, but we are continuing to see the treatments through. We don’t know what the future holds, but we are walking by faith. Please keep praying for us. The family is committed to continuing the ministry going while Freddie is recovering and beyond. Because some have asked, we have added a button on the ministry website for medical expenses. Gracefarmonline.com has a button for donating and a Dropdown menu allows for a button for Freddie Coile’s medical expenses.


I didn’t know that July 17 was Glioblastoma awareness day—ironic that that day holds a lot of significance for us in our GBM journey. Freddie cannot walk without assistance, he sleeps a lot, and he forgets things, but He is not in pain, and he continues to be grateful, hopeful and peaceful. Going forward, please pray that he will regain function in his left side. He says it hurts or is numb and it is very difficult for him to move it. That means that Ben and I struggle with helping him to the bathroom or getting him places.

Still, I am so thankful to God for His many answers to our prayers. He is moving in many mighty ways!

Thank you for your interest in supporting this work! Grace Farm operates under the umbrella of Focus Evangelistic Ministries, Inc. F.E.M.I. is a non-profit, 501c-3 organization, incorporated in the state of Georgia. All gifts are fully tax deductible. Receipts for tax purposes are mailed at year’s end, unless otherwise requested.

If you’d like to send a donation by mail our mailing address is:
Focus Evangelistic Ministries
P.O. Box 498
Danielsville, GA 30633

Thank you to everyone who has prayed and cared for us in so many various ways.

From Yankee

Freddie and I both graduated from Florida Bible College and we both gave ourselves to reaching teenagers for the Lord. We both worked in many camps together. When it came to running a camp, Freddie could do it all. Over the last 33 years, he helped many pastors on the clarity of the gospel and helped multitudes of parents with their teenage children to know the Lord.

NOW! Freddie needs our help. Would you add him to your prayer list? Freddie told me, “Yankee, I don’t want to die, there is so much I want to do for the Lord!” You know as well as I, that choosing our day to depart is not our call. It may have nothing to do with the will to live, or how hard we fight. Sometimes it is strictly in the hands of Almighty God. Sometimes we can only trust the Lord to walk with us through the valley. If God should give to Freddie an Extension of Grace, I have no doubt that he will continue to honor the Lord with his life.

Jas 5:16  …The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Are you a righteous man? Will you pray? Will you donate for his wife and children?


Two years ago, as I laid in the VA Hospital for 23 days, people from around the world prayed for me. I believe with all my heart, that the Lord heard their prayers and granted me an extension of life.

Note from his son,


Dad continues his fight with brain cancer through any means available. It has taken a toll on him, and he needs a lot of rest, but he continues to preach and teach at every possible opportunity. His doctor, for the first time, has suggested that he prioritize rest and family time over treatment. We concede nothing in this fight, and Dad persists as God allows, but we are happy to spend some time together with the whole family after camp season. Speaking of camp, this year was the biggest one in the history of Grace Farm! I was blessed to direct each camp, teaching and organizing with help from Dad and our friend Trent Dudley, who came up with a group from Tampa. God has blessed the ministry here with much fruit.

From Josiah Coile plus additional comments:

As many of you know, my dad, Freddie Coile was diagnosed with glioblastoma (brain cancer) more than a year ago following a sudden medical episode. It was a weighty revelation, as this form of brain cancer is both aggressive and deadly. In the past year, Dad has had two brain surgeries, several cycles of chemotherapy, and radiation treatment in addition to diet changes and a slew of integrative remedies. Nevertheless, his cancer continues to elude us. Why this? Why us? These are questions that I’ve asked myself and God in the past 15 months. But God didn’t call me to contemplate; He called me to trust Him and do His will.

Dad, being of a similar mind, has continued to preach and teach. He tells me every day that he is still here, so God must still be using him. And He is.

We had more campers at Camp Grace this summer than we’ve ever had. Even with the Lodge at full capacity we were bursting at the seams! We watched in participation with the Holy Spirit as campers trusted Christ, memorized Bible verses, and dedicated their lives to His service. We have been allowed by God to be put in trust with His gospel (1 Thessalonians 2:4), and there is no higher calling than to deliver it.

That realization hit me harder than ever about a year ago while I was on the road working for my corporate job. I burst into tears (not advisable while driving at night) and immediately began praying (always advisable). It had been nagging me incessantly - the thought that I was meant for more - and I had finally reached the breaking point. I felt so clearly in my soul that God was calling me to the ministry. Not just lower-case, do-it-in-between-other-things ministry, but upper-case this-is-your-life-now Ministry.

I talked to Dad about my feeling of dissatisfaction with my station in life, and he dropped one of the coolest movie quotes ever on me from a baseball film called, The Rookie: “Son, it’s ok to do what you want to do, until it’s time to do what you were made to do.” So, I told God that I would put my big boy pants on and do what I was made to do. All I asked was that he show me the way one step at a time. Six months later, Dad asked me to be the camp director of Grace Farm. I accepted on the spot. Then, through happy tears of anticipation, he asked me if I would succeed him as the president of Focus Evangelistic Ministries Inc. I immediately deferred to answer. (I had asked God to lead me one step at a time, not two!) But I prayed, and Dad prayed, and I again felt the tug on my soul that said to trust God. So, I accepted

I’ve watched Dad invest himself in this ministry my entire life, and I’m prepared to steward the ministry that he has pioneered. In the ways that I’m not ready, I trust that God will continue to prepare me (see 1 Corinthians 1:26-27). We continue to pray for healing for Dad, knowing that God will be glorified in His recovery or departure as Paul describes in Philippians 1:21 (“...to live is Christ, and to die is gain”).


If you believe in what God is doing through our ministry, I’ve got news for you: we can’t do it alone! We need financial support and prayer. Dad’s medical expenses have mounted, so any support in that area will be gratefully received and deeply appreciated. We also need people to share both our needs and resources with others who care. If that sounds like you, we can’t wait to partner with you!

Because of Grace,

Josiah Coile



Dr. Ralph Yankee Arnold



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