Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Sword, The Hulk, The Sendoff, and Betty's hospital update

 The Sword, The Hulk, The Sendoff, and Betty's hospital update

The greatest things about remembering Dr. Hank Lindstrom, was that he was a soul-winner. This is in honor of Hank and another one of his stories. Share if you like.


Bro. Arnold,

Greetings to you and Mrs. Arnold! In your newsletter on Calvinism, you hit a home run! I would like to reprint it in the Sword of the Lord if you will give me an okay to do so. Dr. Shelton Smith (It came out in the Jan 3rd issue, page 8.)

I count it a great honor to have an article printed in the Sword of the Lord. I started attending the Sword Conferences back around 1962. I heard Dr. John R. Rice, Dr. Curtis Hutson, Dr. Lee Roberson, Tom Malone, Jack Hyles, and many more that set my soul on fire. It wasn't so much the clarity of the gospel from every one, but the motivation to do something great for the Lord. Now at 83, I still burn. I have been motivated and I am still motivated above my ability to perform. The Sword helps to supply the logs to keep the fire burning. 

Readers would be upwards of 80,000-100,000 because of how many issues are going into prisons, churches and mission’s work across the globe. There is really no way of knowing how many lives are touched by our paper! Hallelujah!

Melanie Smith / Sword of the Lord    https://www.swordofthelord.com/

After preaching at Calvary Community Church of Tampa Jan. 5th, we were blessed to have 175-200 of the greatest people in the world give us their blessings beside our motor-home. We will be (Lord willing) going about 15,000 miles for 9 months. Pastor Jesse Martinez led the church in prayer for us. I preached for Pastor Dan Greer of Community Baptist Church in The Woodlands in Texas. Besides freezing temperatures and flood warnings we pressed on. Thanks for your prayers.
Friday, Betty became very unstable on her feet and was unable to stand, walk, or speak clearly. I called 911, and they were only a 1/2 mile away. She was taken to the Methodist Hospital where she was diagnosed with a stroke and pneumonia in her right lung. She has been put on stronger blood thinner medicine and taken to rehab this afternoon. She is responding very well but weak. Thank you in advance for your prayers.  We are desirous of her being out in time to head to Wally's down in the valley.

Jana Curtis, (who is my Colorado adopted daughter-I led her to the Lord 50 years ago), came to hear me preach and stayed to help with Betty.
Encouraging comments are always comforting to read. Betty reads everyone. Help her feel better.
Yankee Arnold Ministries 7028 W. Waters Ave. 
Suite 316 Tampa, Florida 33634



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The Sword, The Hulk, The Sendoff, and Betty's hospital update

  The Sword, The Hulk, The Sendoff, and Betty's hospital update The greatest things about remembering Dr. Hank Lindstrom, was that he w...