Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Yankee Meets Josh Gebhardt

Yankee Meets Josh Gebhardt

Hear his amazing testimony and witness his baptism. (5 minutes)

Josh drove his family down to Tampa from Ohio to visit. He and his wife came to truly know the Lord from watching my YouTube ministry. He met Pastor Jesse Martinez of the Calvary Community Church of Tampa and was baptized. Watch the short video and leave an encouraging comment for Josh.
 People are being reached and trained for the Lord through Yankee Arnold Ministries. Below are a couple from this week.
Good evening dear Yankee, I would like to thank you for the Word of God you share on youtube. Your sermons have brought me a lot of comfort and joy in the past couple of months. I plan to watch all of them, cause I think you're the best teacher out there.
Kind regards, Thurie 
Getting this free gift down pat. As you make so clear. Watched a bunch of teachings from other fellows who lived under the heavy impossible Lordship Salvation for decades and now are am free to love the Lord in full assurance of their salvation. I now join their ranks. Steve from Ariz.
I was very much a Lordship salvation person for decades but thru the mercy of God, and your preaching (and Renee Rolands), a multi decade 'Christian' finally, actually got Saved! I trusted Christs finished work alone on the Cross to purge all my sins and stopped worrying about my works unto salvation. You're right:if we aren't saved eternally we are not saved at all. Thank you for your ministry brother. Fred

Unsolicited testimony from one of our distance learning students:

"I'm learning a lot in the classes, and need to take some more as soon as I finish with John. I've helped about 50 people now understand and believe in our savior Jesus Christ since February 2021. I owe what I've learned to Pastor Arnold and these classes. My prayer is to be an able soul winner. There is no greater joy when someone gets saved, but there is also no greater sorrow when someone rejects the free gift of everlasting life. I've been a church goer for about 30 years, and never led anyone to Christ. That's because I wasn't even saved myself. I had been attending churches that NEVER ONCE explained the gospel and how to be saved. I was caught up in the Pentecostal and charismatic nonsense. I can only thank the Lord that now I know I'm truly saved and all my sins are paid. Thanks for your help,"

I thought you might be blessed by this.  THANK YOU ALL for your support.

Dr. Bob Gilbert, Registrar   ><>
850-227-5325 (cell)
Florida Bible College of Tampa 4811 George Road Tampa, FL 33634 registrar@floridabiblecollege.us www.floridabiblecollege.us

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