Thursday, May 12, 2022

Yankee's First Tent Revival Gotta see it to believe it.

Last year, Pastor Neal Dearyan told me about his annual Wild-game Dinner at his church in Chili, Ohio. I was truly excited when he again confirmed my speaking under the big tent. Even though I have not gotten all my strength from my bout with covid, I did not want to miss this great event.


When I spoke at the church last year, Neal told me about a dream to purchase some twelve acres of land to build larger facilities in order to reach and train more people. I love a man who has a great God who desires to do great things through a faithful servant. This year, Neal and his wife, Julie, showed me their purchased possession (plowed ground behind us) of those 12 acres.

 This is the artist rendition of their new church with the gymnasium to be added.
 When I entered the tent and saw over 500 chairs, I had my doubts about them being filled. I guess, if you want the fruit, you have to go out on the limb. It was windy, cold, and very cloudy with drops of rain.

Chili Crossroads Bible Church is located on a lonely, winding, narrow, country road. Where would the people come from? But come, they did! What a blessing to watch some Amish and Mennonites arrive in horse and buggy.
Would you believe it didn't rain on the party? People started coming from everywhere.

Over 500 people DID show up for the Wild-Game Dinner. There was alligator, bison, venison,  emu, beef tenderloin, and coconut jumbo shrimp.
I had always desired to preach under a big tent. I was in hog-heaven being able to give the gospel to so many lost people. A conservative number was about 30 indicating they would trust the Lord as the one who paid for their sins.

It was a privilege to hear Ohio Congressman Troy Balderson (pictured) and Justice Patrick Fischer, of the Ohio Supreme Court.
  Jack and Barbi Stahl surprised us Sunday morning May the 8th. Long time friends from the old Florida Bible College.
One cannot help but be totally impressed with great sacrifice of so many members and volunteers who worked so hard for the cause of Christ. Their auditorium was constantly being set up and taken down to accommodate the many ministries. Just so you know, Julie is the daughter of the late Dr. James Scudder. She truly has her dad's love and compassion for the ministry. I have known Neal for 30 years, and he has proven to be a faithful man with a burden for souls. Keep this ministry in your prayers for their new building.

Chili Crossroads Bible Church

29445 County Road 10

Fresno, OH 43824


office 740-545-9707

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